Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Help Readalot!

Hi guys! Wanna win some awesome prizes? Here's how:

You might notice that not many people go on Readalot, which is a shame. If you could tell some friends to join or comment, we'd be delighted.

If you get people coming to the blog, email Abby and get:

A special shout out on the blog
A Readalot top
A thank you card
and finally... a book voucher!

Thank you!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Prizes and More!!

Are you a Readalot fan?? Well. guess what? You're in for the chance of getting a special Readalot T-Shirt, pen and email from Abby!! To get the prizes, all you have to do is this...

1. Write a book review of a book you have read recently
2. Tell us your favourite Readalot post
3. Tell others about Readalot

There is also news that Abigail.B will be releasing a Readalot Newsletter blog, or a Readalot Update Blog. 

Have a fabulous half term,


Friday, 11 May 2012

A Reminder

Heya Readalot lovers! I just wanted to give you a reminder that the Readalot Writing Competition 2012 is ending on the eleventh of June. And so far, only two people have entered :(

So please, please, PLEASE enter!!!!!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


Hiya readers! I just wanted to award a girl named Ciara Tippen the Super Fan Of The Month award! Ciara reads every Readalot post, she is a loyal friend of Abby's and she also understands each post. I think she will be entering the writing competition so that's fabulous! Well done Ciara, you SO deserved it!!

Abby Bronte quotes:
"Ciara is an ultimate Readalot fan! And hopefully, she always will be!".

That's all for now but don't worry Ciara, your Readalot fan T-Shirt will be given to you very soon!

Bye! xoxo

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Readalot Updates!

Hi there Readalot fans! Here are some dates for you to write down in your notebooks:

Readalot's First Anniversary: 28th August

Secret Readalot Fanlcub's First Anniversary: 18th November

And so many more! Now, I received an Abby Advice email! Here it is:

swirlygirly asks: I'm worried I'm falling behind with my schoolwork. What should I do?

I say: Hiya swirlygirly! If you are worried about falling behind you should definitely tell your parents or teacher. You could possibly be tired and that might be the case of lacking at work or you could just be self concious that your friends are whizzing ahead. It's important to go at your own pace so when doing lessons you need to think about your learning and no one else's. I'm sure you'll be extra confident in a tick!

That's all for now! Bye! :)

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Abby Advice

Hiya Readalot fans! Hope you've read my new post on Readalot! If not please read it now, it will make me very happy. I'm now going to be doing... Abby Advice! Abby Advice is going to be a system where somebody emails me at abbybronte@hotmail.co.uk with a problem and I'll give you some advice. Please come up with a username for when you email, here is an example:

Dear Abby Bronte,

my writing isn't as good as my sister's and she teases me about it, what should I do?
From Tilly
Username for the blog: tillgal123

Your problem can be anything, from friendships to schoolwork. I don't mind as long as it's appropriate enough or I won't be able to put it on the blog post. Stay tune for more secrets and surprises! Love from, Abigail Bronte xoxo